Sanoma’s redesign

De Opzij gaat er dus aan – Playboy gaat zich heroriënteren. In de war of the sexes staat het dus 0-1. Serieuzer is de koerswijziging van Harri-Pekka Kaukonen, president en CEO van Sanoma. De vraag rijst of hij op tijd is.  De twee pijlers waarop het bedrijf zich nu richt: de multichannel en lerende consument.

“We are responding by planning to redesign our consumer media operations and focus our business towards more structurally attractive markets and transform it towards digital services. We will focus on two strong business pillars: leading multichannel consumer media assets with a growing digital media presence in Finland and the Netherlands; and uniquely positioned Learning assets in a number of chosen markets. Our consumer media assets in Russia & CEE and Belgium are under strategic review.”

via Sanoma Redesign – planning the largest transformation in the companys history –

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