#scoop 1: IMF vreest deflatie en print nog niet dood

#scoop is een grapje uit de kroeg en een nieuws-wedstrijd tussen @vogeljan en @vanderlubben. Elke dag ‘scoopen’ zij een onderwerp dat best wat meer aandacht in Nederland had mogen hebben. En dus als nog kan krijgen. 

[tweet https://twitter.com/VogelJan/status/225661536125992960]

IMF Rapport Euro Area Policies – ‘The euro area crisis has reached a new and critical stage. Despite major policy actions, financial markets in parts of the region remain under acute stress, raising questions about the viability of the monetary union itself. The adverse links between sovereigns, banks, and the real economy are stronger than ever. As a consequence, financial markets are increasingly fragmenting along national borders, demand is weakening, inflation pressures are subsiding, and unemployment is increasing. A further intensification of the crisis would have a substantial impact on neighboring European countries and the rest of the world.’

[tweet https://twitter.com/VanDerLubben/status/225495846509223937]

Niemans Lab – ‘At a time when “digital first” is the slogan du jour in newspaper corner offices, the Associated Press is offering its subscribers a product — one that’s meant to be printed out, ink-on-paper style.’

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