> Google, Yahoo en Skype: ideale tools om dissidenten te bespioneren. “It does not escape notice that the domains targeted would be of greatest use to a government attempting surveillance of Internet use by dissident groups,” Hallam-Baker wrote. “The attack comes at a time when many countries in North Africa and the Gulf region are facing popular protests and many commentators have identified the Internet and in particular social-networking sites as a major organizing tool for the protests.”
>”Yesterday evening I wrote about the bizarre disappearance from Google News of my news site, Berkeleyside. What happens next is either an illustration of the power of digital democracy or an example of the value of friends with fantastic megaphones.”
> Free! Free! Set them Free! “The four detained Al Jazeera journalists are Ahmad Val Wald-Eddin, 34, a correspondent from Mauritania; Lutfi al-Massoudi, 34, a correspondent from Tunisia; Ammar al-Hamdan, 34, a cameraman from Norway; and Ammar al-Tallou, a cameraman from the United Kingdom. Al Jazeera said on March 23 that the Libyan authorities would release the crew within 24 hours.”
> 24 maart 2011. Ruim twaalf uur na het ‘Afluisterschandaal’, om 11:38 twittert Helma Nepperus (VVD, Tweede kamer): “Heb mijn Vodafone net beveiligd, toch vreemd dat afluisteren zo kon. Nu maar weer wat telefoontjes doen.” #goedemorgen
> Beurshandelaren handelen al lang niet meer zelf – ze laten hun beslissingen te kopen/verkopen over aan algoritmen en technologie. Dus pleit de Amerikaanse SEC om toezicht te houden op wiskundige modellen …Ā Hadden ze eerder moeten doen, gezien dit briljante verhaal over de rekensom die Wall Street in de crisis stortte.