ErgoTweet #5: Hopeloze journalistiek en rijdende treinen

Dagelijks grasduin ik door mijn nieuwsbrieven om stukken te selecteren die ik later lees. En daar komt dan niets van.

Rijdende trein De militaire top verkent ‘het terrein’ voor een eventuele missie en dient op het juiste moment de politiek te informeren. De politiek neemt het besluit en stelt idealiter de doelen. In de voorbereiding op de missie naar Uruzgan stelde de politiek geen doelen maar stapte op de rijdende trein, concludeert promovenda Mirjam Grandia.

Lokaal-digitaal Local newspapers have always been the core of American journalism, employing most of the nation’s reporters. But with massive drops in ad revenue, in circulation, and in reporting staff, many local papers are now struggling to survive. Forget facile talk about “unique visitors” and misleading claims that newspaper audience is “larger than ever.” As this paper will show, the truth is grim: digital audiences are small, digital revenue is paltry, and paywalls have significant long-term costs.

Check, check, double-check The speed of social media and the sheer volume of user-generated content make fact-checking by reporters even more important now. Thankfully, a wide variety of digital tools have been developed to help journalists check facts quickly. This post was adapted from VerificationJunkie, a directory of tools for assessing the validity of social-media and user-generated content. The author is Josh Stearns, director of the journalism sustainability project at the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation.

Too good to check There’s an old adage in journalism that says: “Any story that looks too good to be true probably is.” And yet, respected media outlets repeatedly print news stories that turn out to have been exaggerated wildly or completely fabricated. Why? Because in many cases the desire to tell a great — or important, or scandalous, or fascinating — story trumps journalistic principles. In the latest example, Rolling Stone magazine reported a blockbuster story about campus rape at the University of Virginia that appears to be almost completely untrue.


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